Sexual harassment.

These resources are designed to inform judicial officers about practical and substantive matters on sexual harassment in courts, as well as provide some insight into the social and cultural contexts of our time.

Respondent pathways.

Respondents to a report or complaint of sexual harassment or inappropriate behaviour at courts will be afforded due process. There are also ways to mediate and resolve issues of inappropriate behaviour before more formal processes are activated.  

For judicial officers seeking assistance with workplace issues, the Judicial Officers Assistance Program is available exclusively for Victorian judges, magistrates and VCAT Members. It is a free and confidential service offered by a team of mature and experienced psychologists who assist and support judicial officers in managing psychological wellbeing inside and outside the workplace.  

To access the service phone the FBG Group on 1300 326 941 and request access to the Judicial Officers Assistance Program.  

You can schedule face-to-face or telephone counselling between 8am – 8pm on weekdays. 

  • External Link

    Your Safe Place.

    Your Safe Space is an independent external service provider that specialises in wellbeing support for those involved in reports or complaints of inappropriate behaviour. Both CSV staff and judicial officers can contact Your Safe Space.
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  • External Link

    Judicial Commission Complaint Process diagram

    The Judicial Commission can investigate complaints of sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination and harassment against current judicial officers or VCAT members. This diagram depicts the Commission’s process when a complaint has been received.
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