Celebrating Koori specialist courts and tribunals.

Image of the Koori Court Logo on a wall
This year, the Magistrates’ Koori Court is celebrating its 20th anniversary and the County Koori Court its 15th anniversary. 

To celebrate these milestone anniversaries, the Victorian Judicial Officers’ Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Committee (JOACAC) and the College organised a special event for judicial officers. The event featured a panel discussion, facilitated by Magistrate Rose Falla, which delved into themes such as the importance of Elders being involved with the Koori Courts and the impact and influence of these courts on the administration of justice for Koori communities in Victoria. The panel featured esteemed Elders Aunty Pam Pedersen and Uncle David Farrall, as well as Judge Scott Johns and County Koori Court Officer Kylie Spencer. Aunty Pam and Uncle David graciously shared their two decades of experience serving on the Court and emphasised the immense benefits gained by both themselves and the Community. Kylie Spencer highlighted the meaningful connections she has fostered with offenders in Court, aiding them in finding calm before the proceedings. Her perspective added depth to the discussion, offering a glimpse into the human aspect of the judicial process. 

The event provided an opportunity for reflection, discussion, and appreciation of the transformative role these courts have played in the justice system. 

We are delighted to be able to share the video recording of this event with you now.