Judicial College and Sentencing Advisory Council collaborate to make sentencing data more accessible.

Sentencing Advisory Council and Judicial College of Victoria logos
The Judicial College of Victoria and the Sentencing Advisory Council have collaborated to introduce cross-links between sentencing snapshots and corresponding case summaries for certain offences in the College’s Sentencing Manual Case Summaries resource.

This will make it easier for judicial officers and legal practitioners to review sentencing data and comparable cases, which is essential for understanding current sentencing practices.

The new cross-links appear in the Sentencing Advisory Council's newly released set of Snapshots for six offences sentenced in the County and Supreme Courts of Victoria: murder, manslaughter, culpable driving causing death, arson, obtaining property by deception, and obtaining a financial advantage by deception.

The College and the Council will include further cross-links between case summaries and sentencing snapshots as the Council releases updated snapshots going forwards.

This collaboration is a positive step towards making sentencing data more accessible and helping to ensure that sentencing decisions are fair and consistent.

Access the Sentencing Council's new snapshots
Access the College's Sentencing Manual Case Summaries