New and improved SACStat sentencing database released by Sentencing Advisory Council.

Sentencing Advisory Council logo with byline: 'Research, statistics and education about sentencing in Victoria'
The Sentencing Advisory Council has released a new version of its SACStat sentencing database. SACStat includes data on over 250 offences sentenced in Victoria’s higher courts (the County and Supreme Courts) and over 500 offences sentenced in the Magistrates’ Court.

The latest version of SACStat offers several enhancements:

  • It has undergone a complete redesign to comply with modern accessibility standards and government guidelines
  • It now includes data on combined orders of imprisonment with a community correction order, standard sentence offence data, and time series data by year
  • Each offence's data is now available for download in an Excel file

To assist users in navigating the new SACStat, the Council has created tutorial videos accessible on their website.

To access the new SACStat, click here.