New Director of Public Prosecutions and Chief Crown Prosecutor appointed.

Brendan Kissane
The Victorian Government has appointed Brendan Kissane KC as the new Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and Diana Piekusis KC as Chief Crown Prosecutor (CCP). 

Brendan Kissane, who has served as CCP since March 2018, brings over 40 years of legal experience, including his previous roles as Senior Crown Prosecutor and Crown Prosecutor. He has also acted as DPP and is regarded as one of Australia’s most respected criminal lawyers, having appeared in numerous significant cases before the Victorian Court of Appeal and the High Court. Additionally, he has made significant contributions to the legal profession, including his work with the Refugee Review Tribunal and other key legal bodies throughout his distinguished career.

Diana Piekusis, the first woman in Victoria to be appointed CCP, brings over 25 years of legal experience, including her significant roles as Senior Crown Prosecutor and Crown Prosecutor at the OPP. Prior to these appointments, she regularly appeared in high-profile matters on behalf of the State and Commonwealth DPPs and has extensive experience as a solicitor, counsel, and senior counsel.

View the Victorian Government media release