Justice Gleeson addresses imposter syndrome in Minds Count Annual Lecture.

The video recording of the 2024 Minds Count Annual Lecture, featuring High Court Justice Jacqueline Gleeson, is now available.

In her address, "When Minds are Traitors," Justice Gleeson candidly reflected on her experiences with imposter syndrome, emphasising its prevalence among legal professionals at all career stages. She urged her colleagues to embrace vulnerability and authenticity to better support those grappling with self-doubt.

Justice Gleeson shared practical advice for overcoming imposter syndrome, highlighting the need for self-confidence and assertiveness. She acknowledged that while her family background in law had influenced her career, it did not diminish her own capabilities or worth.

The event also included a panel discussion with Justice Gleeson, Associate Justice Mary-Jane Ierodiaconou, Judge Frank Gucciardo, and Magistrate Andrew Sim, facilitated by David Field. The panel explored the universality of imposter syndrome, the significance of psychological safety in teams, and well-being practices essential for thriving in high-pressure environments.

View the recording
Read the article in The Australian about the event