
Expand Family Violence Bench Book
Expand 1 - Purpose and scope of Family Violence Protection Act 2008
Expand 2 - Intervention Orders
Collapse 3 - Other applications and orders under the Act
   Expand 3.1 - Vexatious litigation restraint orders
    3.2 - Allowing publication of report of proceeding
   Expand 3.3 - Interstate and New Zealand orders
    3.4 - Extending holding period of respondent
    3.5 - Issuing search and seizure warrants
    3.6 - Counselling orders
    3.7 - Costs orders
    3.8 - Firearms orders
    3.9 - Requests for information
   Collapse 3.10 – Family Violence information sharing regime
       3.10.1 – Overview of Part 5A
       3.10.2 – Information Sharing and Courts
      Collapse 3.10.3 - Risk Assessment and Information Sharing
 - Designated entities
       3.10.4 – Central Information Point
       3.10.5 - Unauthorised information sharing - Offences
Expand 4 - Criminal offences
Expand 5 - Social context