
Expand Family Violence Bench Book
Expand 1 - Purpose and scope of Family Violence Protection Act 2008
Collapse 2 - Intervention Orders
   Collapse 2.1 - The intervention order process
       2.1.1 - Family Violence Intervention orders
       2.1.2 - Jurisdiction
       2.1.3 - Police response to family violence
      Collapse 2.1.4 - Applications
 - Who is eligible to make an application?
 - Where is an application made?
         Expand - Initiating applications
       2.1.5 - Non-compliance with court rules
       2.1.6 - Service
       2.1.7 - Case Management
       2.1.8 - After an order is made
       2.1.9 - Non-Application of Magistrates’ Court Act and Magistrates Court Civil Procedure Rules
   Expand 2.2 - Making intervention orders
    2.3 - Changing orders
   Expand 2.4 - Hearings
   Expand 2.5 - Children
   Expand 2.6 - Interaction with family law
    2.7 - Interface with Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
    2.8 - Interaction between intervention orders and community correction orders
    2.9 - Rehearings
    2.10 - Appeals
Expand 3 - Other applications and orders under the Act
Expand 4 - Criminal offences
Expand 5 - Social context